Avantis Crystal Reports Training
June 20-24, 2016
Instructor Led Training
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Schneider Electric Canada
1450 Appleby Line
Burlington, ON Canada L7L 6V1
The Avantis Crystal Reports Training course is a 5-day, instructor-led class designed to cover a wide range of introductory and intermediate level design and implementation concepts relating to the use of Crystal Reports in conjunction with Avantis.PRO. The course combines lectures, discussions and hands-on labs to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to set up the design environment, understand the database fundamentals, use Crystal Reports specific design concepts and tools, understand special functions, formulas and report deployment techniques used in Avantis.PRO and gain an understanding of the data schema of the Avantis.PRO database. The course also provides time for the instructor and students to work on one or more reports of interest to the class from the design stage through to deployment.
- Familiarity with the Crystal Reports Designer application
- Familiarity with at least one of the functional areas (Maintenance, Inventory or Procurement) of Avantis.PRO
- Familiarity with basic system administration functions in Avantis.PRO (security profiles, add-ons, categories, etc.)
- An understanding of the specific business reporting requirements for at least one of the functional areas
- Individuals assigned the responsibility for creating/maintaining custom reports using the Crystal Reports Designer application