Scheider Electric and PennEnergy recently hosted a series of three separate webinars focused on Enterprise APM. If you missed one and wanted to go back to review, you're in luck, we have the On-Demand versions available!
Calpine Corporation spoke about how they have implemented an industrial data management solution (Wonderware eDNA) with over 4.5 trillion archived data elements, including sample benefits achieved.
Also on the webinar, Schneider Electric discussed how to maximize economic return on assets with a fully integrated and comprehensive Enterprise Asset Performance Management (EAPM) platform.
On Demand webinar
Schneider Electric discusses how predictive analytics can help companies improve asset reliability, availability, and performance. The webinar featured sample customer success stories, including savings of $7 million in a single early warning catch! The webinar included insights on how to maximize economic return on assets with a fully integrated and comprehensive Enterprise Asset Performance Management platform.
AECI’s discusses the challenges they had in developing a better asset base and PM program to identify the critical components in the plant and perform maintenance at the right time. Schneider Electric has partnered with AECI to create their version of “City on the Hill.” Utilizing Avantis has allowed AECI to increase their asset base and schedule PMs to the correct piece of equipment at the correct frequency with the correct part availability.
On Demand webinar
To learn more about Schneider Electric's Enterprise Asset Performance Management Solution, visit our website.