What is Maintenance?

Author: Victor
Lough, Product Manager, Asset Management
our March
11th blog posting, Avantis discussed how
alignment with maintenance best practises could actually reduce energy costs.
In this posting we shall take a step back to consider the question “What is
Maintenance for?” This is a question that should have a focus on the “customer”
and not simply an actuarial question of cutting costs. It has been reported (13th
March 14, The Daily Telegraph) that it took more than 40 workers at Cambridge
City Council (UK) three years to change a street light, which then failed two
weeks later. Months after the repeat failure the resident is still waiting for
this to be rectified. A spokesman for Cambridge City council said they were
investigating the problem.
a way through this impasse would be to consider what is maintenance for? This
is a question that is at the heart of any transformation process. Standards
provide a framework, but what works for one organisation and business process
within it has only limited relevance to another. For example, a city council
may have infrastructure deterioration as their primary maintenance focus,
whereas a snack producer would expect that their maintenance focus is to ensure
that there are enough potato chips to go around for the Super Bowl.
the question “What is Maintenance for?” should align leadership, finance and operations
to a strategic business plan with a vision and a set of goal directed actions
where maintenance is at the heart of the transformation process. The goal
directed plan inherently acts as the Asset Management Strategy. A useful set of
actions which drive the change to meet the customer focus challenge could be as
emergency work or operationally urgent work merits a response within the current
shift. All other work is planned to optimise people, parts and operational
requirements. This ensures that all requests for work are documented and the
job is reviewed before work begins. This has the benefit that planned work
eliminates expedited parts and effective wrench time is reportedly transformed
from < 30% to >80%.
Maintenance work is “interactive” i.e. part of a continuous improvement process
driven through collaboration of leadership, finance and operations. As part of
the action plan PM’s are completed as a first priority, repeat failures are
identified and the root cause of failure eliminated.
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